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College Amazon Adventures (Part 3) - PDF

College Amazon Adventures (Part 3)
Price: 6.00
(Story & Artwork: James Stilton)

It's now Larissa's turn to share her summer's escapades (or is that, SEX-capades) with her sisters-in-muscle - this story about her very first time Doing It! A special night planned with her special guy, as the gorgeous teenage Amazon gets all dressed up, bringing him to a private hotel room, driving him wild with Lust, before Taking Him for her erotic pleasures! Pain for him is expected, though the sweet muscle girl does her best to not damage him too much, while fully quenching his own Amazonian Addiction! More Awesome text and artwork by James from here!

Larissa summer's escapades SEX-capades sisters-in-muscle story first time special night special guy teenage Amazon dressed up private hotel room driving him wild Lust Taking Him erotic pleasures Pain sweet muscle girl damage quenching Amazonian Addiction Awesome text artwork James

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